Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Did you know this about your cell phone?

* Hold your cell phone about a foot From your car door and have the person at your home press the unlock button, holding it near the mobile phone on their end. Your car will unlock. Saves someone from having to drive your keys to you.
* Find your lost Mobile
An IMEI number- The International Mobile Equipment identity number is an international identity no. used to identify a mobile phone. The 15-digit IMEI no. is an electronic fingerprint transmitted every time a phone is used, which reveals the identity of the mobile handset.
IMEI no. are independent of the phone no. and are usually written underneath the battery or the back of the handset. Mobile phone users can also check their 15-digit IMEI no.by dialling *#06# on their mobile handset.Mobile phone owners should make a note of their IMEI no.and keep the details in a safe place.
If you lost your mobile handset, send an E-mail to

mailto:cop@vsnl.net with the following information

Your Name:...................Address:

Phone Model:............... Make:

Last used no.:............... E-mail for communication:

Missed date:................. IMEI no:

1 comment:

mogali said...

Good blog along with the excellent quality stuff and I’m sure this will be greatly helpful windows mobile 6.5